Numerous satisfied customers use the expert curl care of the Hyvinkää hair salon, Hiushuone Ovali. We asked Hanna to tell us more about curly hair, from a professional's point of view.

What hair types do your customers have?
There are many types of hair. Along my career, I have cut both Afro and Asian hair. At the moment, my client base has Scandinavian hair from rough to soft.
How did you become interested in curly hair and curly hair care?
Do your customers' different hair types need different treatments?
Yes, they need it. When getting to know the method, I have noticed how different porosity in the hair needs a different approach/treatment. Scandinavian soft hair is in a completely different category to care for or not to overcare than coarse thick hair. Personally, I feel like I'm on the verge of a new one with every curly head, because the hair rehabilitation processes have been extremely great and fast when I found the right ingredients. It's been amazing to notice how the hair has changed from a former magpie's nest in a few months to a shiny, elastic, flexible and, above all, healthier feeling nest of curls.
How does caring for straight hair differ from caring for curly hair?
Hhhmmm, I would say that every hair is case specific. Someone's straight hair is so glassy that only a high-quality shampoo and, for example, a leave-in conditioner after washing may be sufficient as care instructions. Then again, there is very porous straight hair, which requires the right kind of product content from the ingredients. Often, loose, straight hair is washed with too strong agents and this kind of hair requires its own approach. Well, you could write long lines about this too, heh.
Can a client have natural curls without her knowing?
Your best curly tips for moms and dads with curly-haired kids?
I would definitely say that make washing your hair a pleasant moment. Let the child sniff the products, let the shampoo/conditioner lather on the hair. Make hair washing a fun moment in every way. After washing, use a wide-toothed comb to untangle your hair together and then apply conditioner to your head. When the treatment is effective, then washing your own body, and so on. In this way, the child learns to think of hair washing as fun and comfortable. I can never overemphasize the importance of rinsing. Also teach your children by rinsing their hair. The hair and scalp should always feel like it doesn't feel like dry hair. After drying, the hair should feel light and airy.
How do you use our products in your work?
I use Sumilay for almost all curl qualities, unless the client asks otherwise. I really like the whole product line; especially from the leave-in conditioner. It is the perfect conditioner, especially under energy cuts, as well as for studying curly clumps, how a curly bunch would start working. I got the gel before Christmas and now I'm waiting to try the gel for several different curl qualities. At least the smell is really good. After diffuser drying, the hair also remained really elastic, but still stringy.
How do you get hair care?
Since the beginning of the year, my list is very full, but it's worth asking directly by phone how I can accept new customers. The corona year exploded the demand for eco hairdressing services and more and more curly girls have found their way to my bench, so I can only take on new clients to a limited extent in addition to my loyal regular clientele. Please still get in touch, and at least I will try to treat as many curly hairs as possible within my current customer base.
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